Bump, Birth & Beyond Website
This website is packed full of information on 100s of topics from pregnancy right through. It is brought to you by the Local Maternity Neonatal Services and is a great starting point for any questions, worries or information gathering around pregnancy, birth and beyond.
East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust Website
This website will tell you about our local maternity service and options. Including the link to the self-referral for when you find out you are pregnant.
William Harvey Hospital
Triage Unit / Maternity Day Care - 01233 616638
Early Pregnancy Unit - 01233 633331 ext. 723 8268

Signposting Information

Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Triage Unit / Maternity Day Care - 01843 234483
Early Pregnancy Unit - 01843 234469
Dover Maternity Centre - 01304 222523
Maternity Community Liaison Office - 01227 864152
Birth Afterthoughts NHS service - 01227 86415
This service is for you to talk about and ask questions about your baby’s birth. This is not counselling or debrief as such, more going through your notes and explaining things.
Health Visiting team for Deal & Dover -
This organisation has been used by us here at Parent Pathways and we highly recommend. You can find many resources here to help prepare for the journey ahead. From Trying to conceive, pregnancy, postpartum and early years.
Tracey Miles Chartered Physiotherapists -
01304 813408
Located at Ash Nr Deal
This is the most local Mummy MOT provider which here at Parent Pathways we have used and highly recommend - it is not too late to have a Mummy MOT.
Please do contact us if you have any tried and tested organisations that you think would be useful for other parents to include on this page.